Forum's recommendation list for Bioimage Analysis self-study materials
Check out this forum thread with many useful links about image analysis, recommended by experts! The list is live and growing! We (continuously) summarize this list here as well.
Tutorials and courses
- Image Processing and Analysis for Life Scientists
- A collection of well curated image analysis tools
- Albert Cardona’s Fiji scripting tutorial
- University of Oxford DTC ONBI Image Analysis course
- Dave Mason’s online course
- Dan Whites / IPF MPI CBG slides - Basics of Quantitative Image Analysis
- Dan Whites / IPF MPI CBG slides - Quantitative Imaging for Colocalization Analysis
- Dan Whites / IPF MPI CBG slides - Introduction to Fiji and macros
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - Applied bioimage analysis
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - Introduction to Image Analysis with Fiji
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - ImageJ macro
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - ImageJ2 development
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - Multiview registration
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - TrackMate
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - Working with pixels
- Robert Haase’s online teaching material - Working with (2D/3D) objects
- Deep Learning Based Segmentation For Biologists
- Python Bioimage Analysis Course and Support
- Image processing with Python and Jupyter
- NEUBIAS webinars and tutorials
- FIJI for Beginners - YouTube
- Bioimage Analysis Course: The Life Cycle of an Image Data Set
- List of CellProfiler video tutorials
- A collection of videos by Sonja Aits
- Collection of Python training from Zeiss
Textbooks (may not be free)
- Introduction to Bioimage Analysis
- Digital Image Processing
- Digital Image Processing (using Matlab, first 2.5 chapters)
- Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java
- Standard and Super-Resolution Bioimaging Data Analysis: A Primer
- Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and Applications
Expected duration