

Phindr3D is a comprehensive shallow-learning framework for automated quantitative phenotyping of three-dimensional (3D) high content screening image data using unsupervised data-driven voxel-based feature learning, which enables computationally facile classification, clustering and data visualization.

Please see our GitHub page and the original publication for details.


Local Z Projector is an ImageJ2 plugin, available in Fiji, that can perform local-Z projection of a 3D stack, possibly over time, possibly very large.

LZP performs projection of a surface of interest on a 2D plane from a 3D image. It is a simple tool that focuses on usability and is designed to be adaptable to many different use cases and image quality.

  • It can work with 3D movies over time with multiple channels.
  • It can work with images much larger than available RAM out of the box.
  • It takes advantage of computers with multiple cores, and can be used in scripts.


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webKnossos is an open-source data sharing and annotation platform for tera-scale 2D and 3D image datasets.

The core features of webKnossos are:

  • fast 3D data streaming
  • share links to specific locations in the data
  • uniquely fast skeleton annotation (flight mode) and
  • efficient volume annotation
  • mesh rendering
  • collaboration and sharing tools

webKnossos facilitates image analysis workflows on multi-terabyte datasets, including visualization of raw and multi-modal microscopy data, distributed training data generation and proof-reading of automatic segmentation.

As a scientific resource, serves as a database for published image datasets including their annotations.





Viv is a JavaScript library providing utilities for rendering primary imaging data. Viv supports WebGL-based multi-channel rendering of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal images. The rendering components of Viv are provided as layers, facilitating image composition with existing layers and updating rendering properties within a reactive paradigm.

Rendering a pyramidal, multiplexed immunofluorescence OME-TIFF image of a human kidney using additive blending to render four image channels into a single RGB image in the client.

Histology Topography Cytometry Analysis Toolbox (histoCAT) is a package to visualize and analyse multiplexed image cytometry data interactively. It can also export data in.fcs data for further analysis using  a specialized cytometry sofwtare such as Flowjo. 

It can be run as a compiled standalone or from matlab.