Free and open source


This tool allows the user to define structures of interest by interactively marking a subset of pixels. Thanks to the real-time feedback, the user can place new markings strategically, depending on the current outcome.


BioImage.IO -- a collaborative effort to bring AI models to the bioimaging community. 

  • Integrated with Fiji, ilastik, ImJoy and more
  • Try model instantly with BioEngine
  • Contribute your models via Github

This is a database of pretrained deep Learning models. 

need a thumbnail

LOBSTER (Little Objects Segmentation and Tracking Environment), an environment designed to help scientists design and customize image analysis workflows to accurately characterize biological objects from a broad range of fluorescence microscopy images, including large images, i.e. terabytes of data, exceeding workstation main memory.

  • 75 workflows available 
  • no programming, with GUI
  • matlab based 

Web based application for deep learning cell classifier . Aim to replace cellprofiler analyst and advanced cell classifier.

has topic
has function
need a thumbnail

This is the ImageJ/Fiji plugin for StarDist, a cell/nuclei detection method for microscopy images with star-convex shape priors ( typically for Dapi like staining of nuclei). The plugin can be used to apply already trained models to new images.
