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This is a (Cython-based) Python wrapper for Philipp Krähenbühl's Fully-Connected CRFs (version 2).

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PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library for Python, based on Torch, used for applications such as natural language processing.

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ImageJ/FIJI plugin generating contour lines with equal spacing on top of an image (using overlay).


The Binary Pattern Dictionary Learning (BPDL) package is suitable for image analysis on a set/sequence of images to determine an atlas of a compact region. In particular, the application can be maping gene activation accross many samples, brain activations in a time domain, etc.


BIRL stands for "Benchmark on Image Registration methods with Landmark validation". BIRL is a cross-platform framework for comparison of image registration methods with landmark validation (registration precision is measured by user landmarks). The project contains a set of sample images with related landmark annotations and experimental evaluation of state-of-the-art image registration methods.

Some key features of the framework:

  • automatic execution of image registration of a sequence of image pairs
  • integrated evaluation of registration performances using Target Registration Error (TRE)
  • integrated visualization of performed registration
  • running several image registration experiment in parallel
  • resuming unfinished sequence of registration benchmark
  • handling around dataset and creating own experiments
  • rerun evaluation and visualisation for finished experiments
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