

Submitted by Perrine on Mon, 03/06/2023 - 16:10

The main goal of the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank is to create an open repository for CXI experimental data.


Code to segment yeast cells using a pre-trained mask-rcnn model. We've tested this with yeast cells imaged in fluorescent images and brightfield images, and gotten good results with both modalities. This code implements an user-friendly script that hides all of the messy implementation details and parameters. Simply put all of your images to be segmented into the same directory, and then plug and go.

has function

This notebook uses the rOMERO-gateway and EBImage to process an Image associated to the paper 'Timing of gene expression in a cell-fate decision system'.

The Image "Pos22" is taken from the dataset idr0040-aymoz-singlecell/experimentA/YDA306_AGA1y_PRM1r_Mating. It is a timelapse Image with 42 timepoints separated by 5 minutes. This Image is used to fit a model for the growth of the yeast cells. The notebook does not replicate any of the analysis of the above mentioned paper.

Its purpose is mainly to demonstrate the use of Jupyter, rOMERO-gateway and EBimage.


What it does:

  • For each time point of one movie:
    • Read the image for this time point  from the IDR
    • Threshold the images and count the cells using EBimage functions
  • Fit an exponential model to the count of cells against time to get a coefficient of grow (exponential factor)




has function

automated open-source image acquisition and on-the-fly analysis pipeline (initially developped for analysis of mitotic defects in fission yeast)

Image removed.

