Image validation


This plugin allows measuring relevant parameters which helps testing, following and comparing microscopes performances. This is achieved by extracting four indicators out of standardized images, acquired from standardized samples: the estimation of the detector sensitivity, the evaluation of the field illumination homogeneity, the system resolution, and finally the characterization of its spectral registration.

has function

InspectJ is a free ImageJ/FIJI tool to inspect digital image integrity.

InspectJ_v2 is a newer version for advanced users. It applies additional features like histogram equalization and gamma correction for improved image inspections.

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An ImageJ plugin for selecting a plane in focus among multiple slices image stack. The algorithm uses normalized variance. A short tutorial is available in the plugin web page (above).

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The SSIM is an index measuring the structural similarity between two images. It is valued between -1 and 1. When two images are nearly identical, their SSIM is close to 1.

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