

MATLAB app to characterize nanoparticles imaged with super-resolution microscopy. nanoFeatures will read text and csv files from the NIKON and ONI microscopes and from the ThunderSTORM Fiji plugin, then cluster the localizations and filter by size and sphericity and finally output nanoparticle features like size, aspect ratio, and number of localizations per cluster (total and for each channel).

GUI first tab to browse and input files, select input type and check extra filters if needed.

These are commands that create or process binary (black and white) images. Typical morphological operations/functions can be found here.

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ELEPHANT is a platform for 3D cell tracking, based on incremental and interactive deep learning.
It implements a client-server architecture. The server is built as a web application that serves deep learning-based algorithms. The client application is implemented by extending Mastodon, providing a user interface for annotation, proofreading and visualization.


JIPipe is a visual programming language to realize code-free workflow building for ImageJ-based image analyses. GUI, graphical user interface. Currently, JIPipe unifies the functionality of over 1,000 ImageJ commands into a standardized interface, represented as nodes in the pipeline flow chart. The window-based data management implemented in ImageJ is replaced with a table-based model designed for batch processing. JIPipe is also available from within the ImageJ update service.

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Fractal is a framework to process high-content imaging data at scale and prepare it for interactive visualization. Fractal provides distributed workflows that convert TBs of image data into OME-Zarr files. The platform then processes the 3D image data by applying tasks like illumination correction, maximum intensity projection, 3D segmentation using cellpose and measurements using napari workflows. The pyramidal OME-Zarr files enable interactive visualization in the napari viewer.

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