

Image segmentation and object detection performance measures

The goal of this package is to provide easy-to-use tools for evaluation of the performance of segmentation methods in biomedical image analysis and beyond, and to fasciliate the comparison of different methods by providing standardized implementations. This package currently only supports 2-D image data.

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SuperDSM is a globally optimal segmentation method based on superadditivity and deformable shape models for cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images and beyond.


These are commands that create or process binary (black and white) images. Typical morphological operations/functions can be found here.

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Algorithm and software created to extract animal trajectories from videos of a collection of animals up to 100 individuals. Idtrackerai uses two convolutional networks: one for animal identification and another to detect when animals touch or cross each other.

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The method proposed in this paper is a robust combination of multi-task learning and unsupervised domain adaptation for segmenting amoeboid cells in microscopy. This end-to-end framework provides a consolidated mechanism to harness the potential of multi-task learning to isolate and segment clustered cells from low contrast brightfield images, and it simultaneously leverages deep domain adaptation to segment fluorescent cells without explicit pixel-level re- annotation of the data.

The entry-point to the codebase is the file. The user has the option to

  • Train the network on their own dataset
  • Load a pre-trained model and use that for inference on their own data
  • NoteThe provided pretrained model was trained on 256x256 images. Results on different resolutions could require fine-tuning This model is trained (supervised) on brightfield, and domain adapted to fluorescence data. The results are saved as 'inference.png'
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