

AnaMorf is a plug-in developed for the ImageJ platform ( to analyse the microscopic morphology of filamentous microbes. The program returns average data on a population of mycelial elements, using the descriptors projected area, circularity, total hyphal length, number of hyphal tips, hyphal growth unit, lacunarity and fractal dimension. The plug-in accepts as input a user-specified directory of images, analysing each and outputing tabulated results.

has function

This plugin tags all pixel/voxels in a skeleton image and then counts all its junctions, triple and quadruple points and branches, and measures their average and maximum length.

Tags are shown in a new window displaying every tag in a different color. You can find it under [Plugins>Skeleton>Analyze Skeleton (2D/3D)]. See Skeletonize3D for an example of how to produce skeleton images.

The voxels are classified into three different categories depending on their 26 neighbors: - End-point voxels: if they have less than 2 neighbors. - Junction voxels: if they have more than 2 neighbors. - Slab voxels: if they have exactly 2 neighbors.

End-point voxels are displayed in blue, slab voxels in orange and junction voxels in purple.

Notice here that, following this notation, the number of junction voxels can be different from the number of actual junctions since some junction voxels can be neighbors of each other.


Output data type: table result, image of the skeleton



MorphoGraphX is a free Linux application for the visualization and analysis of 3D biological datasets. Developed by researchers, it is primarily used for the analysis and quantification of 3D live-imaged confocal data sets.

The main research interests adressed by MorphoGraphX are:

  • Shape extraction
  • Growth analysis
  • Signal quantification
  • Protein localization
has function
MorphoGraphX user interface

CIDRE is a retrospective illumination correction method for optical microscopy. It is designed to correct collections of images by building a model of the illumination distortion directly from the image data. Larger image collections provide more robust corrections. Details of the method are described in

K. Smith, Y. Li, F. Ficcinini, G. Csucs, A. Bevilacqua, and P. Horvath
CIDRE: An Illumination Correction Method for Optical Microscopy, Nature Methods 12(5), 2015, doi:10.1038/NMETH.3323

Illumination correction method

WND-CHARM is a multi-purpose image classifier that can be applied to a wide variety of image classification tasks without modifications or fine-tuning, and yet provides classification accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art task-specific image classifiers. WND-CHARM can extract up to ~3,000 generic image descriptors (features) including polynomial decompositions, high contrast features, pixel statistics, and textures. These features are derived from the raw image, transforms of the image, and compound transforms of the image (transforms of transforms). The features are filtered and weighted depending on their effectiveness in discriminating between a set of predefined image classes (the training set). These features are then used to classify test images based on their similarity to the training classes. This classifier was tested on a wide variety of imaging problems including biological and medical image classification using several imaging modalities, face recognition, and other pattern recognition tasks. WND-CHARM is an acronym that stands for "Weighted Neighbor Distance using Compound Hierarchy of Algorithms Representing Morphology."

Generated features