Affine transformation

Orthographic projection

This Fiji plugin is a python script for CLEM registration using deep learning, but it could be applied in principle to other modalities. The pretrained model was learned on chromatin SEM images and fluorescent staining, but a script is also provided to train an new model, based on CSBDeep. The registration is then performed as a feature based registration, using register virtual stack plugin (which extract features and then perform RANSAc. Editing the script in python gives access to more option (such as the transformation model to be used, similarity by default. Images need to be prepared such that they contain only one channel, but channel of ineterst (to be transformed with the same transformation) can be given as input, and Transform Virtual Stack plugin can be used as well.

F1000R Figure 1 DeepCLEM

CLIJ2 is a GPU-accelerated image processing library for ImageJ/FijiIcy, Matlab and Java. It comes with hundreds of operations for filteringbinarizinglabelingmeasuring in images, projectionstransformations and mathematical operations for images. While most of these are classical image processing operations, CLIJ2 also allows performing operations on matrices potentially representing neighborhood relationships between cells and pixels.

CLIJ2 was developed to process images from fluorescence microscopy data of developing cells, tissues, organoids and organisms.


The Multiview Reconstruction software package enables users to register, fuse, deconvolve and view multiview microscopy images. The software is designed for lightsheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM), but is applicable to any form of three or higher dimensional imaging modalities like confocal timeseries or multicolor stacks. 

need a thumbnail

The BigStitcher is a software package that allows simple and efficient alignment of multi-tile and multi-angle image datasets, for example acquired by lightsheet, widefield or confocal microscopes. The software supports images of almost arbitrary size ranging from very small images up to volumes in the range of many terabytes, which are for example produced when acquiring cleared tissue samples with lightsheet microscopy.


A Java Package for Geometrical Image Transformation, works up to 5D.

  • Affine
  • Crop
  • Embed
  • Matrix
  • Mirror
  • Rotate
  • Scale
  • Translate
  • Turn