Digital histology

Digital pathology imaging

Kappa is a Fiji plugin for Curvature Analysis.

It allows a user to measure curvature in images in a convenient way. You can trace an initial shape with a B-Spline curve in just a few clicks and then fit that curve to image data with a minimization algorithm. It’s fast and robust.

has topic
has function
Kappa user interface

QuantCenter is the framework for 3DHISTECH image analysis applications. with the goal of helping the pathologists to diagnose in an easier way. QuantCenter, is optimized for whole slide quantification. It has a linkable algorithm concept that tries to provide an easy-to-use and logical workflow. The user has different quantification modules that he or she could link one after other to fine-tune or to speed up the analysis.

QuantCenter logo

QuPath is open source software for Quantitative Pathology. QuPath has been developed as a research tool at Queen's University Belfast.


This is the "prediction step" of the Pyxit segmentation model builder. It is a learnable segmentation algorithm based on ground-truth images and segmentation mask. It learns a multiple output pixel classification algorithm. It downloads from Cytomine-Core annotation images+alphamasks from project(s), build a segmentation (pixel classifier) model which is saved locally. Typical application: tumor detection in tissues in histology slides. 

Pyxit example

This is a learnable segmentation algorithm based on ground-truth images and segmentation mask. It learns a multiple output pixel classification algorithm. It downloads from Cytomine-Core annotation images+alphamasks from project(s), build a segmentation (pixel classifier) model which is saved locally. Typical application: tumor detection in tissues in histology slides. It is based on "Fast Multi-Class Image Annotation with Random Subwindows and Multiple Output Randomized Trees" and was used in "A hybrid human-computer approach for large-scale image-based measurements using web services and machine learning"

Segmentation illustration