

Labkit is an open-source tool to segment truly large image data using sparse training data. It has an intuitive and responsive user interface based on Big Data Viewer, allowing users to conveniently browse and annotate even terabyte sized image volumes.

Update site: Labkit

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SciView is an ImageJ/FIJI plugin for 3D visualization of images and meshes. It uses the Scenery and ClearVolume infrastructure. SciView integrates ImageJ2 functionality, including ImageJ Ops and ImageJ Mesh, to provide the ability to interact with image and mesh data in 3D and interface with the popular Fiji software ecosystem.

An update site is available:

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NanoJ-SQUIRREL (Super-resolution Quantitative Image Rating and Reporting of Error Locations) is a software package designed for assessing and mapping errors and artefacts within super-resolution images. This is achieved through quantitative comparison with a reference image of the same structure (typically a widefield, TIRF or confocal image). SQUIRREL produces quantitative maps of image quality and resolution as well as global image quality metrics.

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InspectJ is a free ImageJ/FIJI tool to inspect digital image integrity.

InspectJ_v2 is a newer version for advanced users. It applies additional features like histogram equalization and gamma correction for improved image inspections.

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Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

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