

Multi-template matching can be used to localize multiple objects using one or a set of template images.

Contrary to previous implementations that allow to use only one template, here a set of templates can be used or the initial template(s) can be transformed by rotation/flipping.

Multiple objects detection without redundant detections is possible thanks to a Non-Maxima Supression relying on the degree of overlap between detections.

The solution is available as a Fiji plugin (Multi-Template Matching AND IJ-OpenCV update sites), as a Python package (Multi-Template-Matching on PyPI) and as a KNIME workflow (via KNIME Hub).

need a thumbnail

FPBioimage is a volumetric visualization tool which runs in all modern web browsers. Try the tool yourself at our example site here.

has function

The PYthon Microscopy Environment is an open-source package providing image acquisition and data analysis functionality for a number of microscopy applications, but with a particular emphasis on single molecule localisation microscopy (PALM/STORM/PAINT etc ...). The package is multi platform, running on Windows, Linux, and OSX.

It comes with 3 main modules:

  • PYMEAcquire - Instrument control and simulation
  • dh5view - Image Data Analysis and Viewing
  • VisGUI - Visualising Localization Data Sets

Fiji plugin for detecting, tracking and quantifying filopodia


CellProfiler Analyst (CPA) allows interactive exploration and analysis of data, particularly from high-throughput, image-based experiments. Included is a supervised machine learning system which can be trained to recognize complicated and subtle phenotypes, for automatic scoring of millions of cells. CPA provides tools for exploring and analyzing multidimensional data, particularly data from high-throughput, image-based experiments analyzed by its companion image analysis software, CellProfiler.