

Non linear registration intensity based for MRI brain exams. To be applied after FLIRT

a brain mri

FLIRT (FMRIB's Linear Image Registration Tool) is a fully automated robust and accurate tool for linear (affine) intra- and inter-modal brain image registration.

FLIRT comes with a main GUI as well as three supporting guis:

  • ApplyXFM - for applying saved transformations and changing FOVs
  • InvertXFM - for inverting saved transformations
  • ConcatXFM - for concatenating saved transformations

A deep-learning solution for stain color normalization in digital histology images

has function
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Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) and related methods achieves sub-diffraction-limit image resolution through sequential activation and localization of individual fluorophores. The analysis of image data from these methods has typically been confined to the sparse activation regime where the density of activated fluorophores is sufficiently low such that there is minimal overlap between the images of adjacent emitters. Recently several methods have been reported for analyzing higher density data, allowing partial overlap between adjacent emitters. However, these methods have so far been limited to two-dimensional imaging, in which the point spread function (PSF) of each emitter is assumed to be identical.

In this work, we present a method to analyze high-density super-resolution data in three dimensions, where the images of individual fluorophores not only overlap, but also have varying PSFs that depend on the z positions of the fluorophores.


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ZEN and APEER – Open Ecosystem for integrated Machine-Learning Workflows

Open ecosystem for integrated machine-learning workflows to train and use machine-learning models for image processing and image analysis inside the ZEN software or on the APEER cloud-based platform

Highlights ZEN

  • Simple User Interface for Labeling and Training
  • Engineered Features Sets and Deep Feature Extraction + Random Forrest for Semantic Segmentation
  • Object Classification workflows
  • Probability Thresholds and Conditional Random Fields
  • Import your own trained models as *.czann files (see: czmodel · PyPI)
  • Import "AIModel Containes" from arivis AI for advanced Instance Segmentation
  • Integration into ZEN Measurement Framework
  • Support for Multi-dimensional Datasets and Tile Images
  • open and standardized format to store trained models
ZEN Intellesis Segmentation

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ZEN Intellesis - Pretrained Networks

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Intellesis Object Classification

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Highlights Aarivis AI

  • Web-based tool to label datasets to train Deep Neural Networks
  • Fully automated hyper-parameter tuning
  • Export of trained models for semantic segmentation and AIModelContainer for Instance Segmentation
Annotation Tool

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