

This module is for applying classification models on objects. It downloads from Cytomine-Core annotation images and coordinate of annotated objects from project(s) and build a annotation classification model which is saved locally. It downloads from Cytomine-Core annotations images from an image (e.g. detected by an object finder), apply a classification model (previously saved locally), and uploads to Cytomine-Core annotation terms (in a userjob layer).

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This module is for learning classification models from ground-truth data (supervised learning). It downloads from Cytomine-Core annotation images and coordinate of annotated objects from project(s) and build a annotation classification model which is saved locally.  

It is used by Cytomine DataMining applications: classification_validation, classification_model_builder, classification_prediction, segmentation_model_builder and segmentation_prediction. But it can be run without Cytomine on local data (using dir_ls and dir_ts arguments).

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SLDC is an open-source Python workflow. SLDC stands for Segment Locate Dispatch Classify. This framework aims at facilitating the development of algorithms for detecting objects in multi-gigapixel images. Particularly, it provides algorithm developers with a structure to define problem-dependent components of their processing workflow (i.e. segmentation and classification) in a concise way. Every other concern such as parallelization and large image handling are encapsulated by the framework. It also features a powerful and customizable logging system and some components to apply several workflows one after another on a same image. SLDC can work on local images or interact with Cytomine

Example image:

Toy image data

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imageHTS is an R/Bioconductor package dedicated to the analysis of high-throughput microscopy-based screens. The package provides a modular and extensible framework to segment cells, extract quantitative cell features, predict cell types and browse screen data through web interfaces. Designed to operate in distributed environments, imageHTS provides a standardized access to remote data and facilitates the dissemination of high-throughput microscopy-based datasets.
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The jicbioimage Python package makes it easy to explore microscopy data in a programmatic fashion (python).

Exploring images via coding means that the exploratory work becomes recorded and reproducible.

Furthermore, it makes it easier to convert the exploratory work into (semi) automated analysis work flows.


  • Built in functionality for working with microscopy data
  • Automatic generation of audit trails
  • Python integration Works with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4