

CellProfiler Analyst (CPA) allows interactive exploration and analysis of data, particularly from high-throughput, image-based experiments. Included is a supervised machine learning system which can be trained to recognize complicated and subtle phenotypes, for automatic scoring of millions of cells. CPA provides tools for exploring and analyzing multidimensional data, particularly data from high-throughput, image-based experiments analyzed by its companion image analysis software, CellProfiler.


The Image Data Explorer is a Shiny app that allows the interactive visualization of images and ROIs associated with data points shown in a scatter plot. It is useful for exploring the relationships between images/ROIs and associated data represented in tabular format. Additional functionalities include data annotation, dimensionality reduction and classification and feature selection.

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Code to segment yeast cells using a pre-trained mask-rcnn model. We've tested this with yeast cells imaged in fluorescent images and brightfield images, and gotten good results with both modalities. This code implements an user-friendly script that hides all of the messy implementation details and parameters. Simply put all of your images to be segmented into the same directory, and then plug and go.

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This python toolbox performs registration between 2-D microscopy images from the same tissue section or serial sections in several ways to achieve imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) experimental goals.

This code supports the following works and enables others to perform the workflows outlined in the following works, please cite them if you use this toolbox:

  • Advanced Registration and Analysis of MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry Measurements through Autofluorescence Microscopy10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02884

  • Next Generation Histology-directed Imaging Mass Spectrometry Driven by Autofluorescence Microscopy10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02885

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Collection of several basic standard image segmentation methods focusing on medical imaging. In particular, the key block/applications are (un)supervised image segmentation using superpixels, object centre detection and region growing with a shape prior. Besides the open-source code, there is also a few sample images.


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