neuron cell morphology


Neurolucida is a powerful tool for creating and analyzing realistic, meaningful, and quantifiable neuron reconstructions from microscope images. Perform detailed morphometric analysis of neurons, such as quantifying 1) the number of dendrites, axons, nodes, synapses, and spines, 2) the length, width, and volume of dendrites and axons, 3) the area and volume of the soma, and 4) the complexity and extension of neurons. See 10.3389/fnins.2012.00049

Neurolucida example

ImageJ macro for the morphometry of neurites. > NeurphologyJ; it is capable of automatically quantifying neuronal morphology such as soma number and size, neurite length, neurite ending points and attachment points. NeurphologyJ is implemented as a plugin to ImageJ, an open-source Java-based image-processing and analysis platform.