

ELEPHANT is a platform for 3D cell tracking, based on incremental and interactive deep learning.
It implements a client-server architecture. The server is built as a web application that serves deep learning-based algorithms. The client application is implemented by extending Mastodon, providing a user interface for annotation, proofreading and visualization.


ZeroCostDL4Mic: exploiting Google Colab to develop a free and open-source toolbox for Deep-Learning in microscopy

ZeroCostDL4Mic is a collection of self-explanatory Jupyter Notebooks for Google Colab that features an easy-to-use graphical user interface. They are meant to quickly get you started on learning to use deep-learning for microscopy. 

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btrack is a Python library for multi object tracking, used to reconstruct trajectories in crowded fields. btrack implemented a residual U-Net model coupledd with a classification CNN to allow accurate instance segmentation of the cell nuclei. To track the cells over time and through cell divisions, btrack developed a Bayesian cell tracking methodology that uses input features from the images to enable the retrieval of multi-generational lineage information from a corpus of thousands of hours of live-cell imaging data.

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This workflow applies a Stardist pre-trained model (versatile_fluo or versatile_HE) depending on the input images ie. uses both models for a dataset including both fluorescence (grayscale or RGB where all channels are equal) and H&E stained (RGB where channels are not equal) images.

This version uses tensorflow CPU version (See Dockerfile) to ensure compatibility with a larger number of computers. A GPU version should be possible by adapting the Dockerfile with tensorflow-gpu and/or nvidia-docker images.

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This workflow processes a group of images containing cells with discernible nuclei and segments the nuclei and outputs a binary mask that show where nuclei were detected. It performs 2D nuclei segmentation using pre-trained nuclei segmentation models of Cellpose. And it was developed as a test workflow for Neubias BIAFLOWS Benchmarking tool.

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