

Machine Learning made easy

APEER ML provides an easy way to train your own machine learning
models and segment your microscopy images. No expertise or coding required.

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Phindr3D is a comprehensive shallow-learning framework for automated quantitative phenotyping of three-dimensional (3D) high content screening image data using unsupervised data-driven voxel-based feature learning, which enables computationally facile classification, clustering and data visualization.

Please see our GitHub page and the original publication for details.


Histology Topography Cytometry Analysis Toolbox (histoCAT) is a package to visualize and analyse multiplexed image cytometry data interactively. It can also export data in.fcs data for further analysis using  a specialized cytometry sofwtare such as Flowjo. 

It can be run as a compiled standalone or from matlab.


ASAP allows to automatically detect, classify and quantify structures acquired by super resolution microscopy. 


The goal of mamut2r is to imports data coming from .xml files generated with the Fiji MaMuT plugin for lineage and tracking of biological objects. {mamut2r} also allows to create lineage plots.

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