Spot detection

Seed point detection

Automatic finding of image features are very convenient for registering two images to align them in proper orientation. Two image plugins are implemented for extracting image features and are placed as menu items at: [Plugins > Feature Extraction > Extract SIFT Correspondences] and [Plugins > Feature Extraction > Extract MOPS Correspondences].

For more details, see the linked page in Fiji wiki. For details about SIFT algorithm, see 2569. For more details about MOPS algorithm, see 2570.

need a thumbnail

TrackMate provides the tools to perform single particle tracking (SPT). SPT is an image analysis challenge where the goal is to segment and follow over time some labeled, spot-like structures. Each spot is segmented in multiple frames and its trajectory is reconstructed by assigning it an identity over these frames, in the shape of a track. These tracks can then be either visualized or yield further analysis results such as velocity, total displacement, diffusion characteristics, division events, etc...