

By combining multiple image alignment and tracing into one program, Reconstruct (TM) allows images to be processed more efficiently. Tracing can be done directly on the transformed images and alignments can be asily modified. Reconstruct (TM) was developed from years of experience working with high magnification serial section images of brain tissue. (Extracted from User Manual)

"The original platform of the Reconstruct program allows a user to trace objects in serial sections by manually drawing the outline of each object on each section, which is time-consuming. We modified Reconstruct to enable semi-automatic tracing of axons using a region-growing algorithm called wildfire."


Analysis of adipocyte number and size. The original code and example images supposed to be discovered at but currently the webpage is missing the code and sample images.

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JFilament is an ImageJ plugin for segmentation and tracking of 2D and 3D filaments in fluorescenece microscopy images. The main algorithm used in Jfilament is "Stretching Open Active Contours" (SOAC). In order to use this method, the user must define seed points in the image where the SOAC method will begin.

JFilament also includes 2D "closed" active contours which can be used for tasks such as segmentation and tracking of cell boundaries.



The ultimate goal of the NET framework is to make images of networks processable by computers. Therefore we want to have a pixel based image as input, as output we want a representation of the network visible in the image that retains as much information about the original network as possible. NET achives this by first segmenting the image and then vectorizing the network and then extracting information. The information we extract is

  • First and foremost the graph of the network. We find the crossings (nodes) and connections between crossings (edges) and therefore extract information about the neighborhood relations, the topology of the network.
  • We also extract the coordinates of all nodes which enables us to embed them into space. We therefore extract information about the geometry of the network.
  • Last but not least we track the radii of the edges in the extraction process. Therefore every edge has a radius which can be identified with its conductivity.

In the following we will first provide detailed instructions on how to install NET on several platforms. Then we describe the functionality and options of each of the four scripts that make up the NET framework.

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