

A collection for tracking microtubule dynamics, written in Python.

has function

Count bacterial colonies on agar plates and measure the occupied surfaces. The user has to provide a selection (roi) of the area that will be analyzed. He can than run the segmentation and if necessary correct the results. In a third step he can run the counting and measurement.

has function

An easy to use, image analysis software package that enables rapid exploration and interpretation of microscopy data.


In this case study, MATLAB, the Image Processing and Signal Processing toolboxes were used to determine the green intensities from a small portion of a microarray image containing 4,800 spots. A 10x10 pattern of spots was detected by averaging rows and columns to produce horizontal and vertical profiles. Periodicity was determined automatically by autocorrelation and used to form an optimal length filter for morphological background removal. A rectangular grid of bounding boxes was defined. Each spot was individually addressed and segmented by thresholding to form a mask. The mask was used to isolate each spot from surrounding background. Individual spot intensity was determined by integrating pixel intensities. Finally, integrated intensities were tabulated and saved to a data file for subsequent statistical analysis to determine which genes matter most.


Normalize the orientation of the images of the Zebrafish embryos.

In the documentation webpage, the aim of the workflow is to normalize the orientation of the images of the Zebrafish embryos, find the point of injection of tumor cells and measure the distribution of Cy3 stained tumor foci.

ImageJ macro implementation of the Workflow described in Ghotra et al (2012). Note that currently only the angle and orientation normalization is implemented in this version.

Sample images are linked in the documentation webpage. 

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