

This is the ImageJ/Fiji plugin for StarDist, a cell/nuclei detection method for microscopy images with star-convex shape priors ( typically for Dapi like staining of nuclei). The plugin can be used to apply already trained models to new images.


The macro will segment nuclei and separate clustered nuclei in a 3D image using a 2D Gaussian blur, followed by Thresholding, 2D hole filling and a 2D watershed. As a result an index-mask image is written for each input image.

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This plugin computes for each image element (pixel/voxel) the eigenvalues of the Hessian, which can be used for example to discriminate locally between plate-like, line-like, and blob-like image structures

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Starting from image stacks, the nuclear boundary as well as nuclear bodies are segmented. As output, NucleusJ automatically measures 15 parameters quantifying shape and size of nuclei as well as intra-nuclear objects and the positioning of the objects within the nuclear volume.

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