Object detection

Particle detection
Isolated object detection

This plugin tags all pixel/voxels in a skeleton image and then counts all its junctions, triple and quadruple points and branches, and measures their average and maximum length.

Tags are shown in a new window displaying every tag in a different color. You can find it under [Plugins>Skeleton>Analyze Skeleton (2D/3D)]. See Skeletonize3D for an example of how to produce skeleton images.

The voxels are classified into three different categories depending on their 26 neighbors: - End-point voxels: if they have less than 2 neighbors. - Junction voxels: if they have more than 2 neighbors. - Slab voxels: if they have exactly 2 neighbors.

End-point voxels are displayed in blue, slab voxels in orange and junction voxels in purple.

Notice here that, following this notation, the number of junction voxels can be different from the number of actual junctions since some junction voxels can be neighbors of each other.


Output data type: table result, image of the skeleton



ADAPT is capable of rapid, automated analysis of migration and membrane protrusions, together with associated
fluorescently labeled proteins, across multiple cells. ADAPT can detect and morphologically profile filopodia.

ADAPT (Automated Detection and Analysis of ProTrusions) is a plug-in developed for the ImageJ/Fiji platform to automatically detect and analyse cell migration and morphodynamics. The program provides whole-cell analysis of multiple cells, while also returning data on individual membrane protrusion events. The plug-in accepts as input one or two image stacks and outputs a variety of data. ADAPT may also be run in batch mode.


has function
ADAPT logo

A standalone cell tracking software for single cell migration. Tracking of cells in tissue was also done in Drosophila germband.

GUI image (from http://sacan.biomed.drexel.edu/celltrack)

QuantCenter is the framework for 3DHISTECH image analysis applications. with the goal of helping the pathologists to diagnose in an easier way. QuantCenter, is optimized for whole slide quantification. It has a linkable algorithm concept that tries to provide an easy-to-use and logical workflow. The user has different quantification modules that he or she could link one after other to fine-tune or to speed up the analysis.

QuantCenter logo

This is an ImageJ plugin to analyze bacterial cells. It provides a user-friendly interface and a powerful suite of detection, analysis and data presentation tools. It works with individual phase or fluorescence images as well as stacks, hyperstacks, and folders of any of these types. Even large image sets are analyzed rapidly generating raw tabular data that can either be saved or copied as is, or have additional statistical analysis performed and graphically represented directly from within MicrobeJ, making it an all-in-one image analysis solution.

need a thumbnail