

The Topology ToolKit (TTK) is an open-source library and software collection for topological data analysis in scientific visualization.

TTK can handle scalar data defined either on regular grids or triangulations, either in 2D or in 3D. It provides a substantial collection of generic, efficient and robust implementations of key algorithms in topological data analysis. It includes:
 · For scalar data: critical points, integral lines, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, merge trees, contour trees, Morse-Smale complexes, topological simplification;
 · For bivariate scalar data: fibers, fiber surfaces, continuous scatterplots, Jacobi sets, Reeb spaces;
 · For uncertain scalar data: mandatory critical points;
 · For time-varying scalar data: critical point tracking;
 · For high-dimensional / point cloud data: dimension reduction;
 · and more!


TTK makes topological data analysis accessible to end users thanks to easy-to-use plugins for the visualization front end ParaView. Thanks to ParaView, TTK supports a variety of input data formats.

TTK is written in C++ but comes with a variety of bindings (VTK/C++, Python) and standalone command-line programs. It is modular and easy to extend. We have specifically developed it such that you can easily write your own data analysis tools as TTK modules.

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ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView’s batch processing capabilities.

ParaView was developed to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources. It can be run on supercomputers to analyze datasets of petascale size as well as on laptops for smaller data, has become an integral tool in many national laboratories, universities and industry, and has won several awards related to high performance computation.


This is a classical workflow for spot detection or blob like structures (vesicules, melanosomes,...)

Step 1 Laplacian of Gaussian to enhance spots . Paraeters= radius, about the average spot radius

Step 2 Detect minima (using Find Maxima with light background option to get minima). Parameter : Tolerance to Noise: to be tested, hard to predict. About the height of the enhanced feautures peaks

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spot detection

The best way to start writing an ImageJ2 plugin (ImageJ2 developers call it command and not plugin) is to download the example command from github and modify it. There is a video tutorial on the whole workflow on how to do this on youtube.

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This plugin detects a minimum cost z-surface in a 3D volume. A z surface is a topographic map indicating the altitude z as a function of the position (x,y) in the image. The cost of the surface depends on pixel intensity the surface is going through. This plugin find the z-surface with the lowest intensity in an image.

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