

ASTEC stands for Adaptive Segmentation and Tracking of Embryonic Cells. It proposes a full workflow for time lapse light sheet imaging analysis, including drift/motion compensation before the segmentation itself, and the capacity to correct for it.  It was used to process 3D+t movies acquired by the MuViSPIM light-sheet microscope in particular.

Astec embryon

ClearMap is a toolbox for the analysis and registration of volumetric data from cleared tissues.

It was initially developed to map brain activity at cellular resolution in whole mouse brains using immediate early gene expression. It has since then been extended as a tool for the qunatification of whole mouse brain vascualtur networks at capilary resolution.

It is composed of sevral specialized modules or scripts: tubemap, cellmap, WobblyStitcher.

ClearMap has been designed to analyze O(TB) 3d datasets obtained via light sheet microscopy from iDISCO+ cleared tissue samples immunolabeled for proteins. The ClearMap tools may also be useful for data obtained with other types of microscopes, types of markers, clearing techniques, as well as other species, organs, or samples.

ClearMap SCreenshot

Removal of heterogeneous background from image data of single-molecule localization microscopy, using extreme value-based emitter recovery (EVER).


EVER requires no manual adjustment of parameters and has been implemented as an easy-to-use ImageJ plugin that can immediately enhance the quality of reconstructed super-resolution images. This method is validated as an efficient way for robust nanoscale imaging of samples with heterogeneous background fluorescence, such as thicker tissue and cells.

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pyTFM is a python package that allows you to analyze force generation and stresses in cells, cell colonies, and confluent cell layers growing on a 2-dimensional surface. This package implements the procedures of Traction Force Microscopy and Monolayer Stress Microscopy. In addition to the standard measures for stress and force generation, it also includes the line tension, a measure for the force transfer exclusively across cell-cell boundaries. pyTFM includes an addon for the image annotation tool clickpoints allowing you to quickly analyze and vizualize large datasets.

AnnotatorJ is a Fiji Plugin to ease annotation of images, particulrly useful for Deep Learning or to validate an alogorithm. Interestingly, it allows annotation for instance segmentation, semantic segmentation, or bounding box annotations. It includes toolssuch as active contours to ease these annotations.

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