

Marker-controlled Watershed is an ImageJ/Fiji plugin to segment grayscale images of any type (8, 16 and 32-bit) in 2D and 3D based on the marker-controlled watershed algorithm (Meyer and Beucher, 1990). This algorithm considers the input image as a topographic surface (where higher pixel values mean higher altitude) and simulates its flooding from specific seed points or markers. A common choice for the markers are the local minima of the gradient of the image, but the method works on any specific marker, either selected manually by the user or determined automatically by another algorithm. Marker-controlled Watershed needs at least two images to run: The Input image: a 2D or 3D grayscale image to flood, usually the gradient of an image. The Marker image: an image of the same dimensions as the input containing the seed points or markers as connected regions of voxels, each of them with a different label. They correspond usually to the local minima of the input image, but they can be set arbitrarily. And it can optionally admit a third image: The Mask image: a binary image of the same dimensions as input and marker which can be used to restrict the areas of application of the algorithm. Set to "None" to run the method on the whole input image. Rest of parameters: Calculate dams: select to enable the calculation of watershed lines. Use diagonal connectivity: select to allow the flooding in diagonal directions.

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Morphological Segmentation is an ImageJ/Fiji plugin that combines morphological operations, such as extended minima and morphological gradient, with watershed flooding algorithms to segment grayscale images of any type (8, 16 and 32-bit) in 2D and 3D. Morphological Segmentation runs on any open grayscale image, single 2D image or (3D) stack. If no image is open when calling the plugin, an Open dialog will pop up. The user can pan, zoom in and out, or scroll between slices (if the input image is a stack) in the main canvas as if it were any other ImageJ window. On the left side of the canvas there are three panels of parameters, one for the input image, one with the watershed parameters and one for the output options. All buttons, checkboxes and input panels contain a short explanation of their functionality that is displayed when the cursor lingers over them. Image pre-processing: some pre-processing is included in the plugin to facilitate the segmentation task. However, other pre-preprocessing may be required depending on the input image. It is up to the user to decide what filtering may be most appropriate upstream.

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Tracking of focal adhesions includes a number of challenges:

  1. Detection of focal adhesion regions in areas of highly variable background
  2. Separation of "clumped" adhesions in different objects.
  3. Dynamics: Focal adhesions dynamically, grow, shrink, change their shape, they can fuse with neighboring adhesions or one adhesion can be split into multiple children.

Würflinger et al (2011) describe how to detect focal adhesion objects and how to track them over time. Interestingly, tracking results are fed back to segmentation to improve separation of clumped adhesions.

The authors implemented the workflow in Matlab, but do not provide a ready-to-use script.


In the commercial image analysis software "Volocity", automated measurement protocols can be constructed by dragging, dropping and configuring a sequence of individual "tasks".

By combining the "Find Objects" task with a subsequent "Track" task, 3D objects can be identified and followed over time. The initial "Find Objects" segmentation can be refined, e.g. using "Separate Touching Objects"; and tracking results in the form of "Measurement Items" can be viewed in tabular form, as a graph, etc.


A commercial image analysis software. It's interface allows to easily perform measurements and image analysis. Your actions can be recorded and a macro (in a basic script language) can then be created. Almost no knowledge in programming is needed. You can also use python. A SDK is also available to develop stand alone applications in c++. Additional modules allow to use specific operations (3D operators... Examples of available categories of operators : filtering, edge detection, mathematical morphology, segmentation, Frequency operations, mathematical/logical operations, measurements...

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