

The Artemia Tools help to calculate the normalized redness of Artemia in color images.


Test images:

Artemia color analysis toolset

If your images are corrupted by a strong dominant Gaussian noise you can try this simple filter. It is based on thresholding in the DCT domain and is usually vastly superior to typical Gaussian filtering in term of detail preservation / noise reduction trade-off. The filter unfortunately introduces some block like artifacts that can be mitigated by averaging out overlaping shifted windows (as implemented in the Matlab version) and performing maximum intensity projection after the filtering: As such the filter is way more adapted to process 3D stacks that you plan to maximum intensity project than to process single z slice images.

has function

This macro allows to interact with a large, single channel, z-stack (possibly exceeding the main memory of the computer) and to extract a volume of interest by marking several reference points.

has function
The extracted Volume of Interest  (3D rendering)

This macro can stitch a (Z,T,C) data set with virtually no limit on the number of Z slices and time frames. The input to the macro is a folder with the raw tiff images (one image per file) as typically exported by motorized microscopes. These files must all be stores in the same folder and the file naming should ideally comply to OME-TIFF. The macro is however quite flexible: Only --X, --Y and --Z fields with user defined number of digits are compulsory. --T, --C and --L fields with user defined number of digits are necessary for multiple time frames / channels data sets. A compatible data set is provided as a .zip archive. Before processing it unzip it to a given location. The stitching is performed in a reference Z slice (and in a specific reference time frame and channel). The same displacements are applied to all the Z slices, time frames and channels. Before starting the batch processing a montage with the original images of the selected Z slice / time frame / channel is displayed together with the stitched image in this stack. If you are not satisfied with the result you can select another reference. The stitching is then performed time frame by time frame and slice by slice and the stitched images are exported to a single user defined output folder. The macro can also process a data set with multiple channels, the stitching is then computed once on a reference channel and then applied to the other channels.

has topic
has function

This macro builds a stitched image from a muti-position 3D + time hyperstack. The XY positions of the montage should be coded as channels in the input hyperstack. Channel ordering can be configured in the dialog box to adapt to Column/Row and Meander/Comb configurations: The images should appear in this order when browsing the hyperstack with the channel slider. Fine stitching is supported (requires sufficient overlap between the views). The XY displacements of each field of view for stitching are computed for a single reference (Z,T) slice (user configurable) and applied to all slices (Z and T).