

>OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface to read whole-slide images (also known as virtual slides). Python and Java bindings are also available. The Python binding includes a Deep Zoom generator and a simple web-based viewer. The Java binding includes a simple image viewer.  

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Requires Matlab Runtime Environment or Matlab. Source code (m-files) are downloaded. Software availability: AVeMap was developed under MATLAB (MathWorks). It is available as an executable, multiplatform program, together with source codes and documentation here, and the source code is also available as Supplementary Software. For practical reasons, this executable version, which does not require MATLAB, runs on a single processor. For users who want to customize the software and/or need the power of parallel computing, an installation of MATLAB with its 'parallel' and 'image processing' toolboxes is needed. Note that, even with the executable version, the velocity fields are stored for further analysis. The add-on AVeMap+ uses these AVeMap-computed velocity fields to generate heat map tables. It is available with the same link.

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The Leaf Infection Tools allow to measure the area of leaves, of two stainings in different channels and of the overlap region of the two stainings. 


Test image:

a leaf with infection pattern

Analyzing Ca2+ sparks

ImageJ plugin to detect and measure Ca2+ sparks in linescan images, described in Picht et. al. (2007). The algorithm is based on that described by Cheng et al. (1999). Care should be taken to ensure that detections belong to 'true' events, as without any additional background subtraction steps the algorithm is not appropriate for images in which the baseline fluorescence varies substantially.


This workflow is used to track multiple (appear/disappear, dividing and merging) objects in presumably big 2D+t or 3D+t datasets. It is best suitable for roundish objects or spots. Tracking is done through segmentation, which can be obtained from ilastik pixel classification, or imported from other tools. Users should provide a few object level labels, and the software predicts results on the rest of the image or new images with similar image characteristics. As a result, all objects get assigned random IDs at the first frame of the image sequence and all descendants in the same track (also children objects such as daughter cells) inherit this ID.

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