

The quantification is explained in detail in chapter 8 "Cell Polarity - Focal Adhesion and Actin Dynamics in Migrating Cells" in "Bioimage Data Analysis Book" downloadable from here.

For codes and sample images, download the zipped archive (linked under "Download").

has function


Measuring the colocalization between fluorescently labeled molecules is a widely used approach to measure the degree of spatial coincidence and potential interactions among subcellular species (e.g., proteins). This example shows how the object identification and RelateObjects modules are used to measure the degree of overlap between two fluorescent channels. Sample image is included in the download package.


This macro and plugins suite for ImageJ (and Fiji) serves to measure the velocity of moving structures and visualize them, from image time series (2D over time).

The module can be installed in ImageJ as a Macro Menu and each function/component can be called separately. The full workflow consists in calling some, or all, the functions sequentially in order to get from the image preparation (e.g. filtering and visualization of tracks) to the production of the kymographs (time vs. distance plot) and their analysis (retrieving the velocities).

Here is the full workflow sequence:

  • Load image sequence
  • Crop and time-filter the image sequence ("Walking average" plugin)
  • Generate tracks by z-projection ("Stack difference" plugin)
  • Select tracks and restore them in the original stack.
  • execute plugin "multiple kymograph"
  • Analyse: select edges of moving tracks graphically and quantify movement in a table.

input: 8-bit, 16-bit stacks, 2D in time. Calibrated is better for meaningful velocity measurements.

ouput: the kymograph image, the velocity measurements tables.

Requires ImageJ version: 1.33.n minimum.

Example of applications:

  • velocity of moving objects/ structures with sharp edges, incl. the velocity of microtubules (and their plus ends),
  • the velocity of vesicles or particles along a 2D path
  • the velocity of migration of the edge of a cell or a multicellular group
  • retraction velocity of contractile bundles (e.g. actin fibers) or multicellular tissues after mechanical disruption (e.g. laser surgery)

WASH, Exo84, and cortactin spot detection and codistribution analysis To detect endosomes, an automatic Otsu threshold is applied to the Gaussian-filtered MT1-MMP–positive endosome image (= 1.5 pixels for the sample image). Statistics about each endosome are then saved, for example random positioning of spots can be compared to actual positioning. For each endosome, WASH and Exo84 (or WASH and cortactin) spots are searched for in a neighboring of x pixels in their respective channel. Their number and position are saved per endosome (**see the macro in Text file S2 downloadable from here**).

From the position of WASH and Exo84 (or WASH and cortactin) spots around each endosomes, each WASH spot is paired with its closest Exo84 (or cortactin) spot neighbor, optimized over all spots around this endosome.

This allowed measuring of the distribution of distance between WASH-Exo84 (or WASH-cortactin) spots (**for the co-distribution analysis, see matlab scripts in Zip file S3 downloadable).

endosomes and spot neighbors

This macro is meant to segment the cells of a multicellular tissue. It is written for images showing highly contrasted and uniformly stained cell membranes. The geometry of the cells and their organization is automatically extracted and exported to an ImageJ results table. This includes: Cell area, major, minor fitted ellipse radii + major axis orientation and number of neighbors of the cells. Manual correction of the automatic segmentation is supported (merge split cells, split merged cells).

Sample image data is available in the documentation page.