

In light-sheet microscopy, overall image content and resolution are improved by acquiring and fusing multiple views of the sample from different directions. State-of-the-art multi-view (MV) deconvolution simultaneously fuses and deconvolves the images in 3D, but processing takes a multiple of the acquisition time and constitutes the bottleneck in the imaging pipeline. Here, we show that MV deconvolution in 3D can finally be achieved in real-time by processing cross-sectional planes individually on the massively parallel architecture of a graphics processing unit (GPU). Our approximation is valid in the typical case where the rotation axis lies in the imaging plane.

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Facade API on top of JOGL ( offering a simple interface for creating OpenGL contexts/windows, GLSL shader programs, and textures. Use it in your favourite JVM-based language.

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ClearVolume is a real-time live 3D visualization library designed for high-end volumetric microscopes such as SPIM and DLSM microscopes. With ClearVolume you can see live on your screen the stacks acquired by your microscope instead of waiting for offline post-processing to give you an intuitive and comprehensive view on your data. The biologists can immediately decide whether a sample is worth imaging. ClearVolume can easily be integrated into existing Java, C/C++, Python, or LabVIEW based microscope software. It has a dedicated interface to MicroManager/OpenSpim/OpenSpin control software. ClearVolume supports multi-channels, live 3D data streaming from remote microscopes, and uses a multi-pass Fibonacci rendering algorithm that can handle large volumes. Moreover, ClearVolume is integrated into the Fiji/ImageJ2/KNIME ecosystem. You can now open your stacks with ClearVolume from within these popular frameworks for offline viewing.

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ClearCL is a Multi-backend Java Object Oriented Facade API for OpenCL.

OpenCL libraries come and go in Java, some are great but then one day the lead developper goes on to greener pastures and you are left with code that needs to be rewritten to take advantage of a new up-to-date library with better support. Maybe a particular library has a bug or does not support the function you need? or it does not give you access to the underlying native pointers, making difficult to process large buffers/images or interoperate with hardware? or maybe it just does not support your exotic OS of choice. To protect your code from complete rewrites ClearCL offers a very clean and complete API to write your code against. Changing backend requires just changing one line of code.

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MTrack is a tool, which detects, tracks, and measures the behavior of fluorescently labeled microtubules imaged by TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence) microscopy. In such an in vitro reconstitution approach, stabilized, non-dynamic microtubule seeds serve as nucleation points for dynamically growing microtubules.

MTrack is a bi-modular tool. The first module detects and tracks the growing microtubule ends and creates trajectories. The second module uses these trajectories to fit models of dynamic behavior (polymerization and depolymerization velocities, catastrophe and rescue frequencies). It also computes statistics such as length and lifetime distributions when analyzing more than one movie (batch mode).

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Track Filament shaped objects and analyze tracks using Ransac fits.