Image visualisation

Visualisation vs Plotting vs Image generation. Should these be merged? Which of these should be the top concept, and which sub-concepts, and which narrow synonyms?

Lookup table



Viv is a JavaScript library providing utilities for rendering primary imaging data. Viv supports WebGL-based multi-channel rendering of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal images. The rendering components of Viv are provided as layers, facilitating image composition with existing layers and updating rendering properties within a reactive paradigm.

Rendering a pyramidal, multiplexed immunofluorescence OME-TIFF image of a human kidney using additive blending to render four image channels into a single RGB image in the client.

MoBIE (Multimodal Big Image Data Exploration) is a framework for sharing and interactive browsing of multimodal big image data. The MoBIE Fiji viewer is based on BigDataViewer and enables browsing of MoBIE datasets. 

It is also called Platybrowser, and uses the n5 format.


ImageM integrates into a GUI several algorithms for interactive image processing and analysis. Interface is largely inspired from the open source software "ImageJ".

need a thumbnail

MorphoNet is a novel concept of web-based morphodynamic browser to visualise and interact with complex datasets, with applications in research and teaching. 

MorphoNet offers a comprehensive palette of interactions to explore the structure, dynamics and variability of biological shapes and its connection to genetic expressions. 

By handling a broad range of natural or simulated morphological data, it fills a gap which has until now limited the quantitative understanding of morphodynamics and its genetic underpinnings by contributing to the creation of ever-growing morphological atlases.



napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It’s designed for browsing, annotating, and analyzing large multi-dimensional images. It’s built on top of Qt (for the GUI), vispy (for performant GPU-based rendering), and the scientific Python stack (e.g. numpyscipy). It includes critical viewer features out-of-the-box, such as support for large multi-dimensional data, and layering and annotation. By integrating closely with the Python ecosystem, napari can be easily coupled to leading machine learning and image analysis tools (e.g. scikit-imagescikit-learnTensorFlowPyTorch), enabling more user-friendly automated analysis.


  • The installation procedure for Silicon Mac (M1 Processor, arm64 ) requires some tricks. As of Oct 2021, this procedure by Peter Sobolewski works but:
    • For installing pyqt5, use a slightly different command `brew install PyQt@5` to install PyQt5.