Slice rendering

Cut plane rendering
Slice viewing


Relate is a correlative software package optimised to work with EM, EDS, EBSD, & AFM data and images.  It provides the tools you need to correlate data from different microscopes, visualise multi-layered data in 2D and 3D, and conduct correlative analyses.

  • Combining data from different imaging modalities (e.g. AFM, EDS & EBSD)

  • Interactive display of multi-layer correlated data

  • Analytical tools for metadata interrogation

  • Documented workflows and processes


  • Import data from AZtec using the H5oina file format
  • Import AFM data
  • Correlate both sets of data using intuitive image overlays and image matching tools
  • Produce combined multimodal datasets


  • 2D display of multi-layered data
  • 3D visualisation of topography combined with AFM material properties, EM images, and EDS & EBSD map overlays
  • Customisation of colour palettes, data overlays, image rendering options, and document display
  • Export images and animations


  • Generate profile (cross section) views of multimodal data
  • Measure and quantify data across multiple layers
  • Analyse areas via data thresholding using amount of x-ray counts, phase maps, height, or other material properties.
  • Select an extensive range of measurement parameters
  • Export analytical data to text or CSV files
Relate analysis workflow example

webKnossos is an open-source data sharing and annotation platform for tera-scale 2D and 3D image datasets.

The core features of webKnossos are:

  • fast 3D data streaming
  • share links to specific locations in the data
  • uniquely fast skeleton annotation (flight mode) and
  • efficient volume annotation
  • mesh rendering
  • collaboration and sharing tools

webKnossos facilitates image analysis workflows on multi-terabyte datasets, including visualization of raw and multi-modal microscopy data, distributed training data generation and proof-reading of automatic segmentation.

As a scientific resource, serves as a database for published image datasets including their annotations.





Viv is a JavaScript library providing utilities for rendering primary imaging data. Viv supports WebGL-based multi-channel rendering of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal images. The rendering components of Viv are provided as layers, facilitating image composition with existing layers and updating rendering properties within a reactive paradigm.

Rendering a pyramidal, multiplexed immunofluorescence OME-TIFF image of a human kidney using additive blending to render four image channels into a single RGB image in the client.

Paintera is a general visualization tool for 3D volumetric data and proof-reading in segmentation/reconstruction with a primary focus on neuron reconstruction from electron micrographs in connectomics. It features/supports:

  •  Views of orthogonal 2D cross-sections of the data at arbitrary angles and zoom levels
  •  Mipmaps for efficient display of arbitrarily large data at arbitrary scale levels
  •  Label data
    •  Painting
    •  Manual agglomeration
    •  3D visualization as polygon meshes
      •  Meshes for each mipmap level
      •  Mesh generation on-the-fly via marching cubes to incorporate painted labels and agglomerations in 3D visualization. Marching Cubes is parallelized over small blocks. Only relevant blocks are considered (huge speed-up for sparse label data).

Paintera is implemented in Java and makes extensive use of the UI framework JavaFX

Paintera screenshot