

"PTA2 is an ImageJ1.x plugins that enable automatic particle tracking"

This plugin is developed specifically for single-molecule imaging, so it's good at tracking spots with noisy background. 

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"The Microscope Image Analysis Toolbox MiToBo is an extension for the widely used image processing application ImageJ and its new release ImageJ 2.0.
MiToBo ships with a set of operators ready to be used as plugins in ImageJ. They focus on the analysis of biomedical images acquired by various types of microscopes."


h-Dome transformation, useful for spot detection.

Jython code example:

from de.unihalle.informatik.MiToBo.core.datatypes.images import MTBImage
from de.unihalle.informatik.MiToBo.morphology import HDomeTransform3D
from ij import IJ

imp = IJ.getImage()
mtb = MTBImage.createMTBImage( imp.duplicate() )
hdome = HDomeTransform3D(mtb, 10.0)
mtbdone = hdome.getResultImage()
imp2 = mtbdone.getImagePlus()


Nessys: Nuclear Envelope Segmentation System


Nessys is a software written in Java for the automated identification of cell nuclei in biological images (3D + time). It is designed to perform well in complex samples, i.e when cells are particularly crowded and heterogeneous such as in embryos or in 3D cell cultures. Nessys is also fast and will work on large images which do not fit in memory.

Nessys also offers an interactive user interface for the curation and validation of segmentation results. Think of this as a 3D painter / editor. This editor can also be used to generate manually segmented images to use as ground truth for testing the accuracy of the automated segmentation method.

Finally Nessys, contains a utility for assessing the accuracy of the automated segmentation method. It works by comparing the result of the automated method to a manually generated ground truth. This utility will provide two types of output: a table with a number of metrics about the accuracy and an image representing a map of the mismatch between the result of the automated method and the ground truth.

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Labkit is an open-source tool to segment truly large image data using sparse training data. It has an intuitive and responsive user interface based on Big Data Viewer, allowing users to conveniently browse and annotate even terabyte sized image volumes.

Update site: Labkit

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