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 This ImageJ function automatically or interactively sets lower and upper threshold values, segmenting grayscale images into features of interest and background.

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The authors present an ImageJ-based, semi-automated phagocytosis workflow to rapidly quantitate three distinct stages during the early engulfment of opsonized beads.


FluoGAN is a fluorescence image deconvolution software combining the knowledge of acquisition physical model with gan. It takes a fluctuating sequence of blurred, undersampled and noisy images of the sample of interest  fixed sample as input from wide field or confocal and returns a super resolved image.


SynActJ (Synaptic Activity in ImageJ) is an easy-to-use fully open-source workflow that enables automated image and data analysis of synaptic activity. The workflow consists of a Fiji plugin performing the automated image analysis of active synapses in time-lapse movies via an interactive seeded watershed segmentation that can be easily adjusted and applied to a dataset in batch mode. The extracted intensity traces of each synaptic bouton are automatically processed, analyzed, and plotted using an R Shiny workflow. 

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SynActJ workflow

SMLM is a mature but still growing field, which still lacks efficient and user-friendly analysis and visualization software platform adapted for both users and developers. We here introduce PoCA, a powerful open-source software platform dedicated to the visualization and analysis of 2D and 3D point-cloud data. PoCA allows manipulating large datasets, and integrates a plugin architecture, a native batch analysis engine and a Python code interpreter, facilitating both the analysis of data and the integration of new methods.

Visualization, segmentation and exploration of 3D SMLM data