
Re-occurs among tags (visualisation, rendering, viewer, classification, ...)


scenery is a scenegraphing and rendering library. It allows you to quickly create high-quality 3D visualisations based on mesh data. scenery contains both a OpenGL 4.1 and Vulkan renderer. The rendering pipelines of both renderers are configurable using YAML files, so it's easy to switch between e.g. Forward Shading and Deferred Shading, as well as stereo rendering. Rendering pipelines can be switched on-the-fly.

Both renderers support rendering to head-mounted VR goggles like the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift via OpenVR/SteamVR.

has function

The Multiview Reconstruction software package enables users to register, fuse, deconvolve and view multiview microscopy images. The software is designed for lightsheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM), but is applicable to any form of three or higher dimensional imaging modalities like confocal timeseries or multicolor stacks. 

need a thumbnail

The BigDataViewer is a re-slicing browser for terabyte-sized multi-view image sequences. BigDataViewer was developed with multi-view light-sheet microscopy data in mind and integrates well with Fiji's SPIMage processing pipeline.


The BigStitcher is a software package that allows simple and efficient alignment of multi-tile and multi-angle image datasets, for example acquired by lightsheet, widefield or confocal microscopes. The software supports images of almost arbitrary size ranging from very small images up to volumes in the range of many terabytes, which are for example produced when acquiring cleared tissue samples with lightsheet microscopy.


Microscopy Image Browser (MIB) is a high-performance Matlab-based software package for advanced image processing, segmentation and visualization of multi-dimensional (2D-4D) light and electron microscopy datasets.

MIB is a freely available, user-friendly software for effective image processing of multidimensional datasets that improves and facilitates the full utilization of acquired data and enables quantitative analysis of morphological features. Its open-source environment enables fine tuning and possibility of adding new plug-ins to customize the program for specific needs of any research project.