

Junction Mapper is a semi-automated software (Java Desktop application) for analysing data from images of cells in close proximity to each other in monolayers. The focus of Junction Mapper is to measure the morphology of cell boundaries, define single junctions and quantify the length, area and intensity of the staining of different proteins localised at cell-cell contacts. The output are various unique parameters that assess the contacting interface between cells and up to two junctional markers.

junction mapper

SynActJ (Synaptic Activity in ImageJ) is an easy-to-use fully open-source workflow that enables automated image and data analysis of synaptic activity. The workflow consists of a Fiji plugin performing the automated image analysis of active synapses in time-lapse movies via an interactive seeded watershed segmentation that can be easily adjusted and applied to a dataset in batch mode. The extracted intensity traces of each synaptic bouton are automatically processed, analyzed, and plotted using an R Shiny workflow. 

has function
SynActJ workflow

Correlia is an open-source ImageJ/FIJI plug-in for the registration of 2D multi-modal microscopy data-sets. The software is developed at ProVIS - Centre for Correlative Microscopy and is specifically designed for the needs of chemical microscopy involving various micrographs as well as chemical maps at different resolutions and field-of-views.




ModularImageAnalysis (MIA) is an ImageJ plugin which provides a modular framework for assembling image and object analysis workflows. Detected objects can be transformed, filtered, measured and related. Analysis workflows are batch-enabled by default, allowing easy processing of high-content datasets.

MIA is designed for “out-of-the-box” compatibility with spatially-calibrated 5D images, yielding measurements in both pixel and physical units.  Functionality can be extended both internally, via integration with SciJava’s scripting interface, and externally, with Java modules that extend the MIA framework. Both have full access to all objects and images in the analysis workspace.

Workflows are, by default, compatible with batch processing multiple files within a single folder. Thanks to Bio-Formats, MIA has native support for multi-series image formats such as Leica .lif and Nikon .nd2.

Workflows can be automated from initial image loading through processing, object detection, measurement extraction, visualisation, and data exporting. MIA includes near 200 modules integrated with key ImageJ plugins such as Bio-Formats, TrackMate and Weka Trainable Segmentation.

Module(s) can be turned on/off dynamically in response to factors such as availability of images and objects, user inputs and measurement-based filters. Switches can also be added to “processing view” for easy workflow control.

MIA is developed in the Wolfson Bioimaging Facility at the University of Bristol.


BaSiC is a software tool for Background and Shading correction of Optical Microscopy Images. It implements an image correction method based on low-rank and sparse decomposition to solve both shading in space and background variation in time. It can correct temporal drift in time-lapse microscopy data and thus improve continuous single-cell quantification. BaSiC is available as a Fiji/ImageJ plugin.


has function
A BaSiC Tool for Background and Shading Correction of Optical Microscopy Images