Image processing

Image pre-processing
Image filtering
Image preprocessing
Image postprocessing
Image post-processing
Image manipulation

A software toolkit for computational morphometry of biomedical images, CMTK comprises a set of command line tools and a back-end general-purpose library for processing and I/O.

The command line tools primarily provide the following functionality: registration (affine and nonrigid; single and multi-channel; pairwise and groupwise), image correction (MR bias field estimation; interleaved image artifact correction; EPI unwarping), processing (filters; combination of segmentations via voting and STAPLE; shape-based averaging), statistics (t-tests; general linear model).


ClearCL is a Multi-backend Java Object Oriented Facade API for OpenCL.

OpenCL libraries come and go in Java, some are great but then one day the lead developper goes on to greener pastures and you are left with code that needs to be rewritten to take advantage of a new up-to-date library with better support. Maybe a particular library has a bug or does not support the function you need? or it does not give you access to the underlying native pointers, making difficult to process large buffers/images or interoperate with hardware? or maybe it just does not support your exotic OS of choice. To protect your code from complete rewrites ClearCL offers a very clean and complete API to write your code against. Changing backend requires just changing one line of code.

has function

"The plugin analyzes fluorescence microscopy images of neurites and nuclei of dissociated cultured neurons. Given user-defined thresholds, the plugin counts neuronal nuclei, and traces and measures neurite length."[...]" NeuriteTracer is a fast simple-to-use ImageJ plugin for the analysis of outgrowth in two-dimensional fluorescence microscopy images of neuronal cultures. The plugin performed well on images from three different types of neurons with distinct morphologies."

This plugin requires parameter setting: Threshold levels and scale (see more details on the related publication)