

The Huygens Software Suite consists of different image processing packages with functionalities that include deconvolution, interactive analysis, and volume visualization of 2D-3D multi-channel and time series images from fluorescence microscopes such as widefield, confocal, multi-photon, spinning disk, Array Detector, STED, and Light Sheet


Amira is 3D visualization and analysis software for life sciences.

" Amira software is a powerful, multifaceted 3D platform for visualizing, manipulating, and understanding life sciences data from computed tomography, microscopy, MRI, and many other imaging modalities. 
With incredible speed and flexibility, Amira software enables advanced 3D imaging workflows for specialists in research areas ranging from molecular and cellular biology to neuroscience and bioengineering. "

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Amira's interface

Neuron studio is a software package to reconstruct neurons from 3D confocal images. Reconstruction can be done manually, semi-manually or fully automatic. The images as well as the detected objects are rendered in 3D. A spine detection and classification function is also included. Results can be exported as a text file with coords of the spines. It seems that active development has stopped in 2009. NeuronStudio is being developed at the Computational Neurobiology and Imaging Center (CNIC), a research laboratory at the Neuroscience Department of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

NeuronStudio can be used with default parameters or user-defined parameters (Fully or semi-automated).


IMOD is a set of image processing, modeling and display programs used for tomographic reconstruction and for 3D reconstruction of EM serial sections and optical sections. The package contains tools for assembling and aligning data within multiple types and sizes of image stacks, viewing 3-D data from any orientation, and modeling and display of the image files.

Included are two programs with graphical interface: 3dmod, for displaying and segmenting 2D images and 3D volumes; etomo, for reconstructing tomographic volumes from tilt series of images.

Processing can be distributed on multiple cores and executed in batch mode.


Segmentation of Golgi.

Sample Images can be found here.

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