

This is a Jupyter notebook demonstrating the run of a code from IDR data sets by loading a CellProfiler Pipeline 

The example here is applied on real data set, but does not correspond to a biological question. It aims to demonstrate how to create a jupyter notebook to process online plates hosted in the IDR.

It reads the plate images from the IDR.

It loads the CellProfiler Pipeline and replace the reading modules used to read local files from this defaults pipeline by module allowing to read data remotely accessible.

It creates a CSV file and displays it in the notebook.

It makes some plot with Matplotlib.



This workflow can be ran with data from 3D-SIM showing the centrosomes in order to compare the distribution of diameters of rings (or toroids) of different proteins from the centrioles or the peri centriolar material. It aims to reproduce the results of the Nature Cell Biology Paper Subdiffraction imaging of centrosomes reveals higher-order organizational features of pericentriolar material  from the same data set but with a different analysis method.

It is slightly different from the methods described in the paper itself, where the method was to work on a maximum intensity projection of a 3D-SIM stack, and then to fit circle to the centrioles to estimate the diameters of the toroids.

In this workflow, the images are read from the IDR , then process by thresholding (Maximum entropy auto thresholding with Image J), and processed by Analyze Particles  with different measurement sets, including the bouding box. Then the analysis of diameters and the statistical test are performed using R. All the code and data sets are available, and in the case of this paper have shown a layered organisation of the proteins.

Combined view from Figure 1 Lawo et al.

Classification of trajectoire: need tracking results as input and will then classify the trajectories as  brownian motion, confined brownian or directed.

has function

Integrates hardware control of Leica microscopes (via CAM), image analysis (e.g. via ImageJ, Matlab), and adaptive automatic screening of identified regions of interest.